Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Looking for Homestucks!

Hi there, everyone! I'm looking for a good 'ol fashioned 1x1 Homestuck RP. I don't have any specifics- I'm fine with any genre of RP and am willing to go R-18 if you'd like (it's not my first choice, and I'd prefer avoiding it because cute fluff is more fun anyway, but whatever!). I'm still a bit new to RP'ing these characters, so I'm still getting used to each of their mannerisms. I'm most comfortable playing Dave, John, Karkat, and Eridan. I'm perfectly content with most pairings (I've been especially enjoying Dave/John dorky, cutesy fluff the most the past few days, though. Just in case you were wondering), so don't be worried about that. My Headcanon versions of the characters are a bit more doofus-ey than the canon, so please excuse that should it happen to show.

I prefer doing things in a semi-lit style (short paragraph vs script/one-liner actions). This is just because it makes things easier for everyone; you can get more in that way. I'm totally up for AU's- in fact, that's what I usually end up doing. We can brainstorm a fantastic plot line.

That all again in non-huge paragraph form:
-1x1 RP
-R-18 = Acceptable
-Fluff = Wonderful
-My characters: Dave, John, Karkat, Eridan
-Any pairing is good (Dave/John is adorable *hintwinknudge*)
-Semi-lit preferred
-AU's are a-okay!

Let me know if you're interested!

Okay. I think I covered everything. If not I missed something, ask, okay?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/kCYcECG-Nhg/viewtopic.php

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