Thursday, March 28, 2013

14 Good Reminders about This Writing Life | Linda Taylor's Blog

One thing about being a graduate student in my 50s is being able to step back into a world that I left behind three decades ago?a world where learning flows around you like the snowflakes that circled around my house this morning. Just circling, spinning, delighting me even though it is March and high time for them to be on their way.

But I digress.

The In Print Festival?A Rousing Success

Being part of the university community means getting to take advantage of learning experiences there for the taking! Ball State InPrint writersjust held its annual In Print Festival?a festival of first books. The writers who come to speak and read are newly published. Fresh off that first experience, they?re eager to go on the road and talk about writing and publishing. They visit in classes. They stand around and talk after the readings. They happily sign books. Sure, maybe other schools bring in the big guns, but I love the fact that BSU supports these folks. And if the two times I?ve attended are any indication, these authors have so much to offer. Coming from a variety of backgrounds with different journeys to that first publication, they are quite an encouragement to up-and-coming writers. The writers this year were Eugene Cross, Marcus Wicker, Elena Passarello, and Sarah Wells.

And 14 Things the Students Learned

Cathy asked the students in her literary citizenship class to?blog about what they learned about writing and publishing from these In Print authors. I?ve been around publishing for?30 years, so I was excited to?see what the 14 students in the class?discovered. I thought some of their insights might be helpful to you, so here follow?14 interesting things?they learned (with accompanying links to their blogs should you want to read more?and you should):

(1) John writes that he wants to open his reading horizons more?to read other people?s work that interests and intrigues him because that will inform his writing and help him find his niche. Good advice for us all.

(2) Michael discovered (beyond some great writing and revising tips) that the writing community is like a family. It is. What a great thing for a new literary citizen to discover!

(3) Jackson brilliantly included book titles in his blog as part of the copy and described his experience, ?Their answers to questions showed me something vital: That Abyss between us and Published Writers is not so vast, is a matter of words.? Deep. And good to know. Before we?re published, that goal seems like the other side of a huge abyss. It?s not.

(4) Austin likes to write in all lower case (saves time I?m sure) and describes?his opportunity to speak with Eugene Cross, having also crossed paths with him at AWP. His take? ?that?s what this is all about, as far as i?m concerned. writing good stories, smiling big, and, every once in a while, covering the tab.? That?s also good advice.

books(5) Rachael described inspiration from Eugene Cross?s book because it is a collection of stories. That can make a book, too! That?s encouraging to those of us who write more short form.

(6) Sarah discovered that ?if you?re always drawn to the same topic, stop fighting it.? Just start writing. Eugene didn?t want to write about his hometown of Erie, PA. But when he stopped fighting it and realized that Erie was what he knew . . . well . . . you know what happened. Elena never thought she?d be writing about the human voice . . . but as a theater major with a great speaking and singing voice . . . well . . . it was a natural.

(7) Marv was involved in advertising this festival and, as part of the invitation, reminded people that going to such festivals is important for being literary citizens. We all need to support one another. I know I?m glad I attended!

(8) Kiley learned to bust out the red pen. ?Marcus Wicker said that revision is all about time, distance, and being ruthless with your work. I feel like revision is the broken hammer in my writing toolbox, so I soak up any tips on it like a sponge.? Ah, a woman after my own heart.

(9) Lenny was inspired by the night of readings and writes that it ?was a breath of fresh air to see three young writers from three different sections of literature that I can keep on my radar and follow their careers as they grow as writers.? Good way to be a literary citizen, Lenny!

(10) Lindsey had some insightful advice for me as an editor: ?Editors should not just edit but also write while they edit. Editors who forget to take the time to write their own work aren?t going to be able to relate to authors or keep up with their story-telling skills. In this world, we have to be able to wear multiple hats at once.? She?s so right. I spent too many years editing and not writing. I need to up my game. Thanks for the encouragement, Lindsey. Editors out there, take note!

(11) Jay is the media/video guy in our class. He?s on a different track and he offers us a new perspective. He helps us writers think beyond advertising by posters to this newfangled thing called video . . . he?s good! We would do well to think about promotion in new ways.

(12) Mo reminds us to read a lot?especially literary journals. Find the ones we like and then submit to them. That?s how we figure out where to submit.

(13) Kayla encourages us to not be afraid of rejection. ?Without rejection there can be no progress. And if that one publishing company or literary magazine rejects you, they?re probably not right for you. Go back, edit, revise, reread, resubmit.? Words we all need to hear because we all face rejection.

(14) Stephanie mentions how contests can be a good way to get our work published. This was a new world for me?discovered since grad school. You can check out some of the lit mag contests here.

There you have it . . . 14 good reminders for all of us.

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